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1.Improved discord embed handler
-> Support any fields, so no update is needed to catch up with the changing discord
-> Support more variables, including {avatar} and {staff_*}
-> Support multiple embeds in one message
2.Improved application restrictions with the following config fields
{"required_connections": [], "required_member_state": -1, "required_either_user_role_ids": [], "required_all_user_role_ids": [], "prohibited_either_user_role_ids": [], "prohibited_all_user_role_ids": [], "cooldown_hours": 2, "allow_multiple": False}
-> require_member_state = -1: either | 0: not member | 1: is member
-> *_either_user_role_ids: include either of the roles
-> *_all_user_role_ids: include all of the roles