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v2.0.0 (pre-release)

Breaking changes ⚠️
Note: This is a pre-release focusing on request and response formats, major functionalities are not modified, there will be updates on the user system in v2.1.0.

1.Changed request data from form to json to better format complex data
Note Form data will be rejected. You must add header Content-Type: application/json.
Hint The data format for endpoints won't be affected, but some containing complex data will be modified, as shown in the table below.

Route Affected Fields (Hint: object is json)
PATCH /config config (string -> object)
POST /application data->application (string -> object)
POST /challenge job_requirements (string -> object), required_roles (string -> object (list))
PATCH /challenge/{challengeid} job_requirements (string -> object), required_roles (string -> object (list))
PATCH /event/{eventid}/attendees attendees (string -> object (list))

2.Changed response format
i) Removed error: bool field. Error status will only be reflected in status code (non-2xx responses).
ii) Removed descriptor: string field. Added error: string field to explain the error, same as the original descriptor: string field.
iii) Moved data inside response: object out.
iv) On success, the response will be 204 No Content if no message or data is returned.
v) Removed string -> integer conversion for most integers, known large integers like discordid will still be converted to string.
vi) Changed "-1" or "" or "N/A" values to None
Note If you are using -1 as None in your requests, you must remove it or you'll get incorrect responses!
i) Unauthorized Error
STATUS: 401 {"error": "Unauthorized"}
Old format {"error": true, "descriptor": "Unauthorized"}
ii) Get Info
STATUS: 200 {"info": "Some info here"}
Old format {"error": false, "response": {"info": "Some info here"}}
iii) Update Info (Without a message returned)
Old format {"error": false}
iv) Update Info (With a message returned)
STATUS: 200 {"message": "Updated"}
Old format {"error": false, "response": {"message": "Updated"}}

3.Changed request params name / format

Route Affected Params
GET /dlog/statistics/chart ?end_time -> ?before
GET/DELETE /dlog ?logid moved to path (/dlog/{logid})
GET/PATCH/DELETE /announcement ?announcementid moved to path (/announcement/{announcementid})
GET/PATCH/DELETE /application (form)applicationid moved to path (/application/{applicationid})
PATCH /application/status (form)applicationid moved to path (/application/{applicationid}/status)
GET/PATCH/DELETE /challenge ?challengeid moved to path (/challenge/{challengeid})
PUT/DELETE /challenge/delivery ?challengeid,(form)logid moved to path (/challenge/{challengeid}/delivery/{logid})
GET/PATCH/DELETE /downloads ?downloadsid moved to path (/downloads/{downloadsid})
GET/PATCH/DELETE /event ?eventid moved to path (/event/{eventid})
PUT/DELETE /event/vote ?eventid moved to path (/event/{eventid}/vote)
PATCH /event/attendees ?eventid moved to path (/event/{eventid}/attendees)

4.Updated routes

Route Remark
GET /member/list/all Removed
GET /event/all Removed
GET /division?logid Splitted to GET /division and GET /dlog/{logid}/division
POST /division?divisionid (logid in form) Renamed to POST /dlog/{logid}/division/{divisionid}
GET /downloads/{secret} Renamed to GET /downloads/redirect/{secret}
PATCH /event/{eventid}/vote Splitted to PUT/DELETE /event/{eventid}/vote
PATCH /event/{eventid}/attendee Renamed to GET /event/{eventid}/attendees

5.Updated response/object format
Hint These formats apply whenever the object is returned, which greatly improves the API's usability and could reduce the amount of requests.
i) Activity {status: str, last_seen: int} or None
ii) Ban {reason: str, expire: int} or None
iii) User {userid: int, name: str, email: str, discordid: str, steamid: str, truckersmpid: int, avatar: str, bio: str, roles: list, activity: dict, mfa: bool, join_timestamp: int}

6.Removed object wrapper including user: {}, application: {}, dlog: {}, downloads: {}, event: {}
7.Replaced completed member list (completed) in /challenge/list with the number of completed members, the detailed list could be fetched with /challenge/{challengeid}
8.Replaced voted member list (votes) and attendees (attendees) in /event/list with the number of voted members and attendees, the detailed list could be fetched with /event/{eventid}
9.Renamed detail in GET /application/{applicationid} response to application, renamed data in POST /application request to application
10.Fixed /member/roles/rank not converting distance to imperial when config.distance_unit = "imperial"
11.Fixed permission control of updating application status
12.Added function to delete applications
13.Allowed admin to bypass division driver check (admins won't be counted in statistics unless they have the division role)
14.Other improvements on response and bug fixes, check openapi.json for more info.