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Rollout Schedule

The CHub Utility bot is primarily deployed in three rollout stages:

  1. Alpha - the Alpha release window allows testing for any customer on the domain. Features in Alpha testing are typically either features that are experimental, or those to be restricted via the Access 4 flag (Early Access & Special Guest features). If a feature is to be rolled out past Alpha, it will remain in this stage for either two weeks or until all prevalent bugs are fixed, whichever is longer.
  2. Beta - the Beta release window allows testing for any customer on the domain or above. Features in Beta testing are usually Access 2 flag features (Premium access features) or features requiring a wider test / load window than in the Alpha testing group. If a feature is to be rolled out past Beta, it will follow Alpha's release schedule.
  3. Public - the Public release window allows usage for any customer. If a feature is found to be deployed to Public, but later experience failures, it may be rolled back into Beta or Alpha.

Current Rollout

v2.0.1 - Alpha