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Terms of Service

1. Introduction

Welcome to The Drivers Hub Project (CHub). By using our services, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. Our mission is to provide top-level Drivers Hub service and experience for Virtual Trucking Companies (VTCs) and their members.

2. Acceptance of Terms

By creating a service on our website, VTCs signify their automatic acceptance of these terms of service. VTCs are responsible for informing their members of CHub’s ToS and including it in their VTC rules.

3. Description of Services

CHub provides a comprehensive Drivers Hub service, including job logging, member management, and various plugins as listed on our website. For detailed information on features and functionalities, please refer to our website.

4. Account Creation and Usage

Service Setup

VTC managers must complete the setup process on our website. The Drivers Hub service is provisioned after payment.

User Accounts

Within the provisioned service, VTC members and staff may register user accounts using email, Discord, or Steam. Users should avoid creating excessive accounts that may disrupt the system.

5. User Responsibilities

Prohibited Actions

Users must not engage in any activities that:

  • Harm or disrupt our systems or services.
  • Involve excessive requests that may overload our servers.
  • Upload harmful, hateful, or otherwise inappropriate content.
  • Attempt to reverse-engineer or crack our software.
  • Damage the reputation of our service.

VTCs are responsible for informing their members of these rules and taking down any content that violates these terms.

6. Payment and Billing

Payment Terms

Payments consist of one-time fees for plugins and recurring subscription fees. If payments for plugins are not completed, the plugins may be removed. If subscription payments are not made, the service may be suspended or terminated.


  • Full refund within 2 days of payment.
  • Partial refund within 7 days of payment.
  • No refund after 7 days.

VTCs are encouraged to contact us for support or refund requests rather than initiating chargebacks. If a chargeback occurs, the associated card will be permanently blocked from our services. We also have an internal ruleset on blocking certain cards/transactions that are deemed too risky.

For detailed billing information, please refer to our billing policy.

7. Service Availability

We strive to provide maximum service availability but do not guarantee uninterrupted service. Maintenance and updates that may affect service availability will be communicated in advance. Natural disasters, changes from upstream service providers, or other unforeseen events may cause disruption or damage, for which we are not liable. Depending on the situation, customers may be compensated with a period of free service as determined by our discretion.

Data Backup and Recovery

We maintain full backups for all special guests and premium plan subscribers. However, backup services are only enabled upon request. To avail of this service, subscribers need to make a one-time request. We do not assure data recovery for regular plan subscribers in cases of data loss. While extreme situations are highly unlikely to occur, in the event of a service outage, rest assured that your data will not be affected. We prioritize the security and integrity of your data, taking all necessary precautions to ensure its safety.

8. Data Retention

We recognize the significance of the data generated and stored by our service to our subscribers. However, it is essential to understand that by utilizing our service, you acknowledge and agree that all data stored on our system, except for personal information, are owned by us. While we provide public endpoints for data export, we do not offer managed data exportation.

If your service is suspended, you will not be permitted to export any data, except for personal data such as the user list. All other data, which is associated with Unique IDs generated by our system and not linked to personal information, can only be requested for deletion. You have the option to cover any outstanding payments or request the resumption of the service to regain access to the data.

Furthermore, once a service is terminated, all data will be permanently deleted and will become inaccessible to both users and the CHub Team. Consequently, requests for personal data retrieval will also be unfeasible in such circumstances.

9. Termination and Suspension

User Accounts

End-user accounts are managed by the VTCs. CHub does not handle the suspension or termination of end-user accounts.

Drivers Hub Service

We may suspend or terminate the Drivers Hub service if payments are not made. VTCs will be notified in such cases.

10. Limitation of Liability

CHub is a service aimed at enhancing the experience for Virtual Trucking Companies and should not be used by real-life companies. We only provide the service and are not liable for any other issues, including changes in VTC operations. While we strive to protect user information, we cannot ensure complete protection against hacking or security breaches. Natural disasters, changes from upstream service providers, or other unforeseen events may cause disruption or damage, for which we are not liable. We do not hold any responsibility in the disruption of our service in case of unforeseen events.

11. Refusal of Service

We reserve the right to refuse service to any VTC or entity. In such cases, a full refund will be provided.

12. Privacy and Data Protection

We prioritize user privacy and data security. Please refer to our privacy policy for detailed information on how we handle user data.

13. Intellectual Property

All code and design elements of CHub are the copyright of CharlesWithC, with the exception of third-party libraries and resources used in both backend and frontend development. Users must not reverse-engineer, crack, or distribute our code or products. All rights are reserved.

14. Governing Law

These terms are governed by the laws of Canada.

15. Contact Information

For support or inquiries regarding these terms, please contact us through our Discord server or email us at

16. Additional Policies

For detailed information on billing, refunds, and privacy, please refer to our billing policy and privacy policy.

17. Rights and Reservations

We reserve all rights, including the right to modify or update these Terms of Service at any time. All explanations and interpretations of these terms are at the discretion of CHub.