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I've updated the role config, but they don't reflect on the client, why?

Ensure you've completed the following steps:

  1. Save and reload the config.
  2. Clear the cache in settings.
  3. Refresh the page.

By performing these actions, you ensure that the roles are fully reloaded on your client.

If you are updating roles for another user and don't see the changes in the dropdown, confirm that the Order ID of the roles is lower (larger in value) than your highest role. The Order ID may default to -1, potentially making it the highest role.

I want to hide some roles in the Members tab, how?

To hide roles in the Members tab, set the Display Order ID to -1. This reserved value is specifically for hiding roles.

Note that this action only affects the role's visibility in the Members tab and doesn't impact other functions, including role updates.