The Team
Project Team
We are: At The Mile Logistics Leadership.
We make decisions and plan for the future of this project. Making it better all the time!
Owner - CharlesWithC
Hey! I'm Charles, creator of this project. All the code of core program is written by me alone. I also hold root access to the server and the domain. I could answer all questions related to project and how it works, but you should reach out to Development Team first. Have fun playing with our Drivers Hub!
General Manager - Shadows
Legal Personnel - Delta
Upper Staff
We stay closest with Project Team and assist them with management, development and marketing!
Development Team (DT)
We continue Frontend V1 support (since Frontend V2 was released) and develop the Utility Bot.
Community Manager (CM)
We manage the community to make sure there's no one breaking the rules!
Marketing Manager (MM)
We try our best to promote this project so others know about it and make it bigger!
Members of Upper Staff
Jordan (DT & CM), Snap Dragon (CM), Blizzy (DT), UCJOHN (DT), Brutal_Outlander (CM), Amateus (MM), ItsHarryUK (MM)
Their self-introduction will be uploaded once they are ready!
Regular Staff
There are currently no Regular Staff since our current staff members are sufficient to manage the project. We may open Staff Applications sometime in the future when needed. Keep an eye on #announcements if you want to join us!