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Create a Drivers Hub

Creating an "empty"All Drivers Hub,Hubs withare defaultdedicated configuration.and isolated. Thus, you need to head to to do the "Setup", which sends a request to the worker server to set up config and resources necessary for a Drivers Hub to run.

  1. Open CHubThe Drivers Hub Project (CHub)

  2. Click ClickLogin toon loginthe top-right corner and sign in with your Discord Account.
    Note: that youYou must join our Discord Server to be able to setup a Drivers Hub (But this isn't required when signing up & loging in)

  3. Read the instruction.
    Note: You must read the instruction carefully, which provides crucial information about setup and billing etc. We may not provide support if the question is clearly stated on the website.

  4. Select favourable plugins.
    Hint: Plugins are additional features on the Drivers Hub which can be purchased optionally. The cost for plugins is paid one-time. You domay notalways needcontact us to selectpurchase thenew frontendplugins. version, V1 was already removed and V3 is under development.

  5. Select Subscription Plan.
    Regular Plan is usually enough, but if you want much better service and support, you could choose Premium Plan. The backend and frontend programs have no differences for different plans.

  6. InputComplete Informationthe ofform with information about your Virtual Trucking Company.
    Note that abbreviation is not changeable. Drivers HubHub. Domain could be updated by Project Team when requested but it cannot be updated on subscriber side. All other info can be edited in Configuration tab of Drivers Hub.
    We provide free Drivers Hub Domain in case you not yet have one. It will be subdomain of and it looks like For example, it could be for At The Mile Logistics. The yourvtc is not required to be same as abbreviation.
    If you are using custom domain, you must create a CNAME (DNS) record pointing to our domain
    Below is an example of inputs
    *There are some more fields in the latest version, you should fill them as instructed.

  7. Submit and wait.wait, then complete the payment as instructed.
    ServerNote: willYou setmust upcomplete everythingthe automaticallypayment afterwithin you48 submitted,hours thisof mighttrial takeperiod aor fewthe minutes.Drivers ThenHub you'llmay be giventerminated. anAlways emailfeel (the email of your Discord Account) & password for root login. Carefully save the password before performing further actions as it's only shown once. (The password in the image is removed for security purpose.) You'll also be instructedfree to payreach developmentout feeto andus subscribe.
    to ask questions :)

Next Step: Login to Drivers Hub